BBP Stories: I Was the Tomboy

BBP Stories: I Was the Tomboy

Central High School
10th grade, 16
African American Bisexual Female

My story is going to be about my sexuality.

And being bullied about it. So probably about like my eighth-grade year, I started to realize that um-, the way I looked at other girls, like I noticed that girls are pretty. And I didn’t dress girly, like other girls. I was kind of a boyish kind of girl. I was the tomboy. I loved sports. I played football, played volleyball, and right now in my sophomore year, I’m playing softball. In my eighth-grade year, I had decided to come out. The first person I told was my friend, L. She accepted me. She was a real cool friend. And I loved her for that.

But other kids, they just, they didn’t accept the fact that I liked girls. Even though I still like boys, too. Bisexual is the term. But I mean, I think people are special the way they are. I have friends who are gay, who are transgender, and I love them all because they love me. So, eighth grade year was hard. When I came into my freshman year I met a new friend. And we had a lot of good memories together cause, you know, he was also bisexual. So, we had a nice mutual understanding cause we knew what each other was going through. And I don’t know, I think it’s because it was high school and a lot of kids had a lot of understanding of what the term bisexual was and there was people who accepted the fact that I was bisexual.


And then, there were people who didn’t.

I was fine with that. As long as I had my group of friends that understood, I was just fine. Right now, I’m currently in my sophomore year. I still have those same friends that were there. My friend, who I talked about earlier, and I went and talked to legislators about bullying. And it was a great experience. It was nice to be seen on TV. It was nice to let them know that everybody gets bullied. Not just kids who are nerdy and who get good grades, or people who are gay or straight, everybody gets bullied. It was nice.

BBP STORIES: Facebook feedback

BBP STORIES: Facebook feedback

Central High School


When I was in middle school in, like, seventh grade, I thought that I was bi. And so, you know, I was scared because I didn’t think anybody would, like, accept me or anything. And I got, um, a girlfriend.

And, anyways, um-, yeah, I got a girlfriend and she, like, whatever. And I, like, made a status about that, about how I didn’t care and whatever, that it was my life. Well, like, yeah, I was pretty young. I was like 12. But like I just thought that, like, that was me. And that’s what I wanted to be.

Well, I made the status about it on Facebook. And um-, God, people who like were family to me, they just were making rude comments all over the place, telling me I didn’t I know what I was, didn’t know what I wanted, how, like, bad that was. An, liked nasty. And, like, it was just rude, and, like, I cried a lot. And there were people there who were, like, my supporters who were like, “Oh, it’s OK. Blah, blah, blah. Good for you. I support you.”

And then, like, you just sit there, and you—the supporters don’t matter because you have all these people telling you who you are and what you’re supposed to be and how bad that is and that you’re nasty and disgusting and whatever. And I just said, “You know, whatever. Like, it’s my life. I’m going to live it.” But it just got harder because, like, you just see, like, posting one thing on a social network, like, how everybody can just jump on you—like, people who you don’t know, or people who you love and you know a lot, like family. And they all judge you for, like, who you are and say lots of rude things for no reason. Like, it’s, like, not OK.

And you know, yeah, I was probably too young to just make a decision like that. But, like, I was brave enough to tell people. And it kind of just got shot back in my face. But the whole reason I’m telling the story is that it doesn’t really matter who says anything to you. It doesn’t matter what they say. If you like someone or a different gender or any of that, that’s up to you. Like, it’s your life, you’re going to live it. If you want to be bi, or gay, or whatever you want to be, then be it. Because it’s your life, and that’s something that took me a while to learn. And everybody should know that. And everybody should be OK with that. And people who don’t support gay or bi or lesbians, just only have one way of thinking.

I know, like, a lot of bi and gay people, and you know, I’m still, like, kind of bi-curious. But, like, I’m more straight. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t love everyone and that—. I mean, I don’t even really know what I am. So, but just, just be yourself, no matter how long it takes, no matter who judges you. Because being you is the best thing you can do. Thank you.

BBP STORIES: Frowned upon

BBP STORIES: Frowned upon

West High School

For some reason, it’s easier for me to handle the fact that they’re two girls next to me than two guys, like two couples, because for me, when I see a man, I think of, you know, the strong man protecting his family, the wife, the kid, you know, all that. The athlete. And when I see two, two gay couples, they’re kissing and especially when like they’re really buff, too. Like two macho mans, it’s kind of like it’s a weird look.

You know? And you’re not–. I know you’re not supposed to care about appearance, but, you know, it’s, it’s in front of you. You see it. You can’t help but think and wonder. But it’s just a weird thing. But I have, I have a lot of gay friends, especially men, who have–. I’ve seen them kiss a boy and it doesn’t, it doesn’t bother me because it’s just a kiss. That wouldn’t necessarily bother me. But when their arms are next to each other, I’m just like: Wow.

I mean, I’m not–. I wouldn’t say I’m homophobic. But I would say it kind of like–. It’s just a little weird. It’s a weird feeling when I look at them because–. And I feel bad for saying this because if I were to see two girls kissing, I’d be like: Oh. OK. Like that’s normal because it’s just, it’s just two girls. Like it’s–. Like a lot of straight guys think two girls kissing is hot, is hot. And two guys it’s frowned upon.